康尼克為專業的線材製造廠與電腦周邊及零件通路商,我們擁有20年以上的專業製造經驗,即時提供顧客品質優良及兼具價格競爭力的產品。目前公司主要的產品包括各式的電腦連接線 例如USB cable DVI cable HDMI cable wire harness…等等 同時,我們也不斷投入產品技術改良及創新並逐步擴展產品線,提供更多元化的產品以滿足更多客戶群的需求。 |
Connetek is a specialized computer cable manufacturer as well as peripheral and parts distributor of more than 20 years of experiences in the industry. We are dedicated to real-time provisioning of high quality products with competitive price. Main product lines include various kinds of external cable and internal wire harness. At the same time, we continue to invest in product improvement and innovation, and progressively expand our product lines to meet more customers’ needs with a great diversity of products. |
一直以來,周全的服務是我們深受客戶信賴與支持的工作態度,致力於與客戶建立並維繫良好長期的合作關係。我們更深信,良好的信譽、優良的品質、實在的價格,可為客戶創造最大的價值,並共享雙贏的成果。 |
Professional and comprehensive services have long been our key assets to the trust and support from customers. We establish long term partnership with our customers and work hard to maintain. And we truely believe, only by fine reputation, good quality and fair price can we bring the greatest value for our customers and reach a win-win deal. |